Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Get to know me, and you.

This is brilliant, espeically for a new blogger.  It's a get-to-know-you (and your readers) Q&A from brilliant and hilarious makeup and beauty blogger Karen at Makeup and Beauty Blog.  Here goes, leave your answers in the comments or on your own blog!  And have fun.

  1. One makeup or beauty product that you can't stop hoarding.  La mer.  I have TEN products of theirs that I use EVERY DAY.  Also, on the other end of the expenditure spectrum, I've been hoarding samples of Living Proof's Prime styling lotion and Fresh's SUGAR Lip Treatment every time those come up as 100 point perks on Sephora.com. 
  2. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
    Water.  On my way out the door.  This is as a result of lack of time and dehydration, not calorie counting.  I eventually concocted a make-it-yourself mocha using the starbucks machine at my office.  This is a typical routine for me on weekdays. 
  3. I’m happiest when ______.  I don't have work hanging over my head.  Pretty much everything is more fun when I can just put it away and stop thinking about it for a while.  My favorite things to do are playing with my kids - pretty much everything is fun when we're hanging out, and of course, shopping. 
  4. Don’t be afraid of ______.
    Trying something new.  Don't be a slave to routine, I used to be because I thought it gave me control over the future, but then I realized how mundane and ridiculous that is. 
  5. What’s one of your mantras?
    You get what you pay for.  This is true in more facets of life than I ever imagined.  It doesn't mean you have to be a big spender or very wealthy, it just means that you should balance the qualities you are looking for with the amount you are willing to spend and be very critical about making sure your purchases are worth what you're paying.  Indulge in areas that make you happy, be cheap in areas that you don't care much about.  For example, I have 6 Louis Vuitton pieces, a Tag watch, and buy only high-end makeup but I never eat out unless my work is paying for it.  And (confession) I don't love to travel.  So it all works out.  
  6. Something that inspires you?
    People who are excited about their jobs.  I'm really happy for people who love their jobs, it's certainly not the majority of us.  It gives me hope that it's possible for the rest of us. 
  7. What’s your secret passion?
    This is it.  I'd go to cosmetology school and do a career change right now if I had the resources. 
  8. You’d be surprised if you saw my _______.
    Wardrobe and makeup collection in high school.  I was totally out of touch fashion-wise, even for the time.  WAAAY off.  And the weirdest thing was that I just didn't care.  I didn't think about it.  I didn't really become a student of the game until I had money to spend - in other words when I was finally finished with school and got a job.  So you don't have to be born with it apparently.  My little girl though, she's obsessed right out of the womb.  Shoes especially.  It's amazing, she's one and a half.  When I get home from work she toddles over and demands that I take off whatever pumps I'm wearing so she can put them on.  Then she finds some sunglasses and wa-la, instant stylist.    
  9. One thing you love about your job?
    ....the paycheck.  I think that's about it.  Also my office is nice, I have door that closes and an outside window. 
  10. Something you have to do this week?
    Clean out the garage.  Seriously, it's time. Also, I always have returns that I have to do.  I have a reputation among my friends for being a big returner of things.  I spend a lot of money on things (and make a lot of online purchases) and if it's not just right it goes back.  This goes to my point in #4.  I am very, very loyal to companies with good return and customer service policies.  That goes a long way with me.  On my return schedule for this week is the Shiseido perfect foundation brush and a pair of 7 for mankind boysenberry jeans (I ordered two sizes). 

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