Not reservations. With 2 and 3 year olds I reserve the hours of 9-midnight to myself. I might let my hubbie in on the fun if he's being nice. For this post I'm talking resolutions. Note that most of them have something to do with beauty, fashion, or health, or all three. I think this is not uncommon. Nothing is as obsession worthy as one's image, interestingly.
Drink more water, 8 X 8. This is the key ingredient I'm missing in my skincare routine, not to mention my general healthcare routine which has become non-existant in the last year. I think water is sooo boring. And, seperately (sort of), I bore easily. Which boredom translates eventually into me loving alcohol. Which I'm not ready to cut down on. So rather than resolving to drink less alcohol, I'm resolving to drink more water. 8oz 8 times a day is supposed to be a minimum, but that's my starting point. I will up the doseage of this important drug if necessary.
No new shoes for a year. I know. Blasphemy. What is the point of being a fashion and beauty blogger? All I can say is that I'm going back to basics fashion-wise, and I have basics when it comes to shoes. In spades. I have FOUR pairs of nude pumps, NOT including THREE pairs of work-appropriate nude sandals. And there is plenty more to blog about. I'm betting on it. This is going to be a challenge though. Probably the biggest of the list.
Find a job that I like. I didn't say love. I'm trying to be a realist here. But I want to be able to put it away on the weekends and have some piece of mind that when my kids start school I'll be able to pick them up at 3pm, at least a couple times a week.
Potty train both kids. Self explanatory.
Grow my hair out. I cropped it last May. Like chin-length bob. Now it's a little lower than my collar bone. But I want to return it to it's former mid-back length glory. I like to throw one easy one in there. Or one that will happen whether or not I try hard at it. Or one over which I have no control. This satisfies all three.
Tackle liquid eyeliner. I hate pencils. I'm just going to say it. Especially since I have really dry eyelids, so I moisturize them. So pencils look good for about 7 minutes. I'm really mad at how hard liquid is. Because I love how it looks. I'd love to master it...although I realise even the masters have trouble at it. Why is this such a hard technique?
Make $500 from things I already own. I've developed a hobby of selling things on ebay and in thrift stores. I've never really tracked how much I make and it's really a marginal activity of mine. But I think $500 would be a respectable and realistic number. I have a coach handbag and wallet and a Bose sounddock I need to get rid of. Not to mention piles of both summer and winter clothes for plato's closet and crossroads to peruse. I was going to put something like "be an anti-hoarder," but I already am one and I think goals need some specificity.
More lip color. This is the last frontier of makeup for me. I've crept slowly since high school from even complection to eyes to contouring. Lips have not yet been a high priority, whether because of my age or time limits. But lately, it seems time. Even when I stick to nudes, it makes SUCH a difference. And I'm realizing that I look like a different person (in a good way) in certain non-neutrals. My plan: go outside of my comfort zone with color, and do some lip liner research.
ORGANIZE. Everything. My house is 1350 sq feet of 1950's architecture and piping. It houses two toddlers, two adults, and a dog. And the garage is near unuseable due to rat problems. I am becoming more of an anti-hoarder as I type. But it's not just being diligent about getting rid of things. It's about not buying more crap and organizing what I have. A sub-resolution could be: only buy what I came here for. I succeeded in this by NOT buying the cutesy owl jewelry rack I saw in target today, I need less clutter, not more. Better to invest in storage devices, not tabletop clutter machines. So I will likely buy a larger jewelry box and donate the old one, rather than putting more crap on my dresser. I want to be one of those people with really organized files and inboxes too. Once I get my awesome job and all.
That's it for now, what are yours?
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